Her dreams built the schools.

Will you help them have access to food and water?

Apotheosis Farm in partnership with the #WeAreOne Alliance, joins Tererai Trent International (also known as the Tinogona Foundation) in a project to secure access to clean drinking water for African school children in Zimbabwe’s rural village of Matau. For each new well that is dug, an accompanying garden is planted to provide the children with their main meal each day.

Dr. Tererai Trent was a child bride who ended the generational poverty handed over to her through dreams of educating herself in the U.S. and then returning to her village to build schools for children.

Oprah Winfrey donated $1.5 million to help build the schools. Will you help us dig the wells they need to have access to clean water and food?

“Your goals will have more potency and meaning if they are tied to the benefit of your community.”

Tererai Trent’s mother encouraged her to dream not only for herself, but for the benefit of her community. Dr. Trent writes about finding your “Great Hunger” in her book, “The Awakened Woman.” She asks us to determine what breaks our heart, what drives our passion, in order to redefine our lives and purpose. We feel called to help her visionary leadership to deliver clean water and food to the children at her village’s schools.

Most rural African school children drink from unprotected wells and rivers. Studies have indicated that 80% of ailments in most developing countries originate from water-borne diseases. In addition to improving health outcomes, access to clean water also frees children from walking long distances carrying heavy containers, giving them more time to spend on their studies.

Water is essential for the survival of rural school children while in school. Of the 12 schools built under TTI’s leadership, only 4 have access to water. We need to drill and sink solar-powered water wells in the remaining 8 schools.

And due to the lower water tables in the region where the schools are based, each water well costs about $15,000 to drill and equip with a solar pump, panels, water tanks, pipes and a one hectare garden to feed the kids while in school. In many cases, this would be their main meal for the day. 

We have set a goal of raising $60,000 for this partnership. In June 2024, we will travel to the village to witness the progress of this critical work. Will you help us reach this important milestone?

We have faith in the generosity of our friends and neighbors in Maryland that we can make a big difference together in the lives of children in our sister village of Matau in rural Zimbabwe.

Tererai Trent International (registered in the USA as Tinogona Foundation) is a federal 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation to this project is a charitable contribution.